Why even surf?

So why do people really surf?  Well, I can’t answer for anyone but myself. This could be the longest post ever because there are so many reasons. The demand surfing puts on you for a healthy lifestyle, the laid back beach vibes, the salt water rinse, the chance to feel small, the sunshine, and oh … More Why even surf?

Loving Lefts

Thursday, July 21st of 2016 was a good surfing day.  The waves were forecasted to be smaller and possibly boring, yet they were consistently 3-5′ as shown below. I would have brought my shortboard if I would have known I would have been able to catch so many lefts on the south end of Shorties. … More Loving Lefts


Today was my best surfing day ever…let me explain: So on my way to the coast, it was 27 degrees and I was driving slow to avoid sliding on ice…thinking to myself, if it’s this cold in the mountain passes, how cold will it be near the water?! I arrived to see the sun not … More FEELING Faces

The sea calls-Come live in my heart and pay no rent

   I didn’t make that up, but someone did. Why? Is it because since time began humans have been attracted to the ocean? Is it because when you surf, you get to exercise in a saline water cleanse, while releasing endorphins and getting fit? Or is it simply because once you’re in the lineup, you … More The sea calls-Come live in my heart and pay no rent